0 Donors


Raised: $0
Goal: $50,000
Personal Info

To make an offline donation toward this cause, follow these steps:

Check Deposit

  1. Write a check payable to TZEDAKAH INITIATIVE AFRICA
  2. On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for TZEDAKAH INITIATIVE AFRICA
  3. Mail your check to:

Phone Number +234(0)811 971 2813

Address: Behind ROTSAM Clinic,

Peace Estate,  FUTA south gate,

Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria.

Email: info@tzedakahinitiativeafrica.org

Bank Transfer

NAIRA ACC. :- 0656737526
USD ACC. :- 0716823323
EURO ACC. :- 0716823330

Donation Total: $100

At TIA, we focus on addressing the deplorable state of educational infrastructure in Africa. We collaborate with local communities and stakeholders to identify schools in need. Through fundraising and mobilizing resources, we initiate projects to construct and renovate school buildings, improve facilities, and provide essential equipment. We also prioritize sustainability by empowering communities through training and advocacy efforts. Our goal is to bridge the educational gap and create a brighter future for African children through improved infrastructure.

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