0 Donors


Raised: $0
Goal: $50,000
Personal Info

To make an offline donation toward this cause, follow these steps:

Check Deposit

  1. Write a check payable to TZEDAKAH INITIATIVE AFRICA
  2. On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for TZEDAKAH INITIATIVE AFRICA
  3. Mail your check to:

Phone Number +234(0)811 971 2813

Address: Behind ROTSAM Clinic,

Peace Estate,  FUTA south gate,

Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria.

Email: info@tzedakahinitiativeafrica.org

Bank Transfer

NAIRA ACC. :- 0656737526
USD ACC. :- 0716823323
EURO ACC. :- 0716823330

Donation Total: $100

We are committed to empowering underserved communities across Africa. As part of our mission, we have implemented a comprehensive Back-to-School Supplies Program, aimed at equipping students with the necessary tools to succeed in their education. By addressing the barriers that hinder access to education, we strive to create a positive impact and foster a brighter future for African children.

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